This skripsi entitled "ANALISIS RAGAM GERAK TARI WAYANG KARYA RADEN ONO LESMANA KARTADIKUSUMAH DI PADEPOKAN SEKAR PUSAKA KABUPATEN SUMEDANG". Rationale behind this research is the puppet dance Raden Lesmana Kartadikusumah Ono have in common motion between dance with each other, but with many of the same range of motion does not affect the appearance of the character of each dance .. Issues raised in this research are: 1) What is the structure Ekalaya Puppet dance, Jakasona, Jayengrana, Gandamanah, and Billy Glass Gandrung? 2) How are the equations of motion on a variety of puppets dance Ekalaya, Jakasona, Jayengrana, Gandamanah, and Gatot Kaca Gandrung? Purpose of execution of this study was to determine the structure of the equations of motion and range of motion on the dance Puppet Ekalaya, Jakasona, Jayengrana, Gandamanah, and Gatot Kaca Gandrung. This research uses descriptive method of analysis, researchers seek expose all existing research results in the field. In this case, the researchers presented the results of research on the structure of the equations of motion and range of motion on the dance Puppet Ekalaya, Jakasona, Jayengrana, Gandamanah, and Gatot Kaca Gandrung. The research instrument used to collect data in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. From these results, it can be concluded that the puppets dance Ekalaya, Jakasona, Jayengrana, Gandamanah, and Billy Glass Gandrung have some range of motion equations in the five dances, but does not change the character of the dance itself. Thus, based on the observations of researchers, Puppet dance Ekalaya, Jakasona, Jayengrana, Gandamanah, and Gatot Kaca Gandrung have similar range of motion, especially the movement of the sembahan gerak laras konda capang, ungkleuk, dan mincid cirebonan.Keywords: Range of motion, Puppet Dance